A secondary school education sets the groundwork for further learning and growth in any direction that the student chooses to take: workplace, apprenticeship, college diploma program, or university degree program. A secondary school education provides essential hard skills that all students need in life, such as reading, writing, numeracy, communication skills, and topic-oriented information. However, a strong secondary school education will also teach a student soft skills needed for all job and career paths: time management, organization, leadership, diligence, integrity, and work ethic. At Toronto Scholars’ Collegiate, we are dedicated to teach all students the hard skills needed to open up doors to college and university programs. We are equally dedicated to teach the soft skills that will ensure that the student is intellectually prepared for further education and emotionally prepared for the skills needed in life. Toronto Scholars' Collegiate's Overall Goals and Philosophy To encourage each student’s feeling of personal worth; To help each student to use their potential; To teach each student that they `are responsible for their decisions; To report frequently to parents about their child's progress Toronto Scholars' Collegiate focuses on the education of international students and offers a distinct teaching method particularly benefiting international students.

At Toronto Scholar Collegiate, we believe in providing our students with state-of-the-art online instruction and personal assistance from dedicated Ontario Certified Teachers. Through our Online Classroom, students can enjoy our online curriculum's flexibility, which meets the Ontario Ministry of Education standards. Through our teachers and staff, you will receive our complete commitment to making your learning experience, both satisfying and productive.
Online courses can be the best approach for students with a tight schedule and provide a wide range of courses. An online platform can also promote "pre-learning," which can be a significant advantage for students who are not located in Canada. Through the online classroom courses at Toronto Scholars Collegiate, international students will be assigned with experienced Ontario Certified Teachers, get familiar with classes in Canada, break through language barriers, and earn credits before they come to Canada. Current students can take online courses at their own pace during summer vacation, which can shorten their study time in Canada.

Toronto Scholars Collegiate is located in Markham, Ontario and the building occupies 10,000 square feet with an outdoor playground. There are many classrooms, meeting rooms, canteens and labs within this quiet building. TSC students have the opportunity to learn music, art and sports as well as OSSD program. At this well-equipped school, we aim for the students to receive full-scale knowledge and skills and provide every opportunity for students' personalized development.